C2E Equality Standard
In April 2010 the Equality Act became law. 7 years after C2E was founded to deliver practical solutions for organisations to make a real difference to the issues of racial equality and diversity in the workplace. Since then, the C2E Equality Standard for Business, as the authoritative market leader, has grown and developed into a streamlined, practical yet cutting edge programme that delivers the best in equality practice to organisations across the UK.
C2E Equality standard
Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex and Sexual orientation
The case for change is straightforward
- Become a preferred employer and supplier
- Have vision - look at demographic trends - these will impact on your organisation in the not too distant future
- A recognised Committed2Equality employer reduces the risks and costs of non- compliance
- The gains generated by embedding equality in every segment of your organisation will raise profits and increase the worth of the business
Equality in the workplace...
- ...is a key dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility. Our surveys confirm that integrating equality into business strategy makes good bottom line sense
- As a practical solution to achieving these goals the C2E Equality Standard, Committed2Equality (C2E), assists, advises and records commitment from SMEs and large organisations alike, working within the existing infrastructure and delivering measurable good equality practice - a valuable business asset which among other things demonstrates that the organisation is equality "fit to supply"
Equality in Service Delivery
Every organisation committed to equality should consider and manage the equality in the services it provides and how it provides them.
If your organisation provides goods, facilities or services to members of the public, when you do this, the equality law applies to you.
It applies to you if you are providing goods, facilities or services to members of the public as a sub-contractor or supplier on behalf of someone else.
Essentially the organisation must have appropriate Policies, Practices, Training, Supervision and Management in place.
- As a practical solution to achieving these goals the C2E Equality Standard, Committed2Equality (C2E), assists, advises and records commitment from SMEs and large organisations alike, working within the existing infrastructure and delivering measurable good equality practice - a valuable business asset which among other things demonstrates that the organisation is equality "fit to supply"
The role of C2E
- C2E is an independent not for profit organisation. C2e's training programmes, Diversity Assured support, audit and assessment which enable organisations to certify their equality compliance with the Statutory Duties, are delivered by C2E's Equality Partners. C2E are responsible for review, accreditation, certification and awarding the C2E Equality Standard
- The C2E Equality Standard is a solution that brings practical recommendations to life. We have specifically created this vehicle to advance existing equality activity and to deliver real measurable results on the equality agenda. Good Practice - Change models for Business to adopt - appropriate to their size
- Accredited organisations are awarded a Unique Number ensuring visible confirmation of the business's Commitment to Equality
- Change models are available for organisations of all sizes and include an award system for equality achievers. The award is a public display of commitment, and hence organisations have the opportunity of achieving public recognition
- Recognition of commitment will aid the choice of suppliers, for large or small organisations, for government and for local authorities
- Most importantly, individuals entering the employment arena can easily identify organisations, which are Committed2Equality
- The C2E Equality Standard actions for business reflect the requirements within the Equality Act 2010
Audit and Accreditation
The C2E Diversity Assured Accreditation is awarded to Organisations that meet the C2E requirements.
(1) The Equality Audit and Statements are prepared using the C2E Good Equality Working Practice which has been consistently applied
(2) There is adequate disclosure of all material matters relevant to assessing the proper compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and relevant statutory requirements and regulations
(3) Improvements identified and agreed in the Equality Policies and Practices or in the method of their application and the effects thereof have been properly determined, agreed and disclosed in a Report to Management.
The audit is conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that the audit is planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Equality Policies and Practices are being used. The audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the Equality Policies and Practices. The audit also includes assessing the principles and practices applied by management. We believe that the audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The Equality Policies and Practices are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to Assess and form an opinion on these Equality Policies and Practices based on the audit and reports. In our opinion, the Equality Policies and Practices examined in the Audit and Accreditation present fairly, in all material respects, the Equality Policies and Practices of the Organisation as of date of Audit.
The Committed2Equality & Diversity Assured Accreditation Programme (C2E) is endorsed by SFEDI
SFEDI Awards warrants that the Endorsed Provision has been through the SFEDI Endorsement Process and meets the SFEDI Endorsement Criteria and is thus eligible to claim SFEDI endorsement.
Please use the links to Equality Partners for further information